'Living Here Is Such a Disaster': Indian Locals Lament Yet Another Massive Landfill Fire

‘Living Here Is Such a Disaster’: Indian Locals Lament Yet Another Massive Landfill Fire

Residents near the site of the gargantuan Ghazipur landfill in Delhi, India, described burning sensations in their eyes, difficulty breathing, and other health issues in interviews on Sunday and Monday as the landfill experienced a massive fire.

The locals lamented that the landfill, one of the largest on the planet, catches fire with some regularity as a result of the flammable methane gas created by the decomposition of the garbage there.

One resident speaking to the Times of India described fleeing plumes of noxious gas as a “normal” part of living near the landfill.

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Authorities reported a fire beginning at the landfill on Sunday and rapidly spreading throughout the site, filling the local vicinity with toxic fumes. Firefighting officials lamented that combatting the

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