LGBT Activists And Accomplice Media Exploit Teen Deaths For Political Points

LGBT Activists And Accomplice Media Exploit Teen Deaths For Political Points

In yet another attempt to exploit and politicize the death of an LGBT teenager, GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis recently claimed on Twitter/X that the reported murder of 17-year-old River Nevaeh Goddard was directly connected to anti-LGBT “rhetoric” and Republican legislation.

She insisted, “Too often, young people, and LGBTQ youth in particular, are failed by the adults and systems entrusted to protect them, and do not feel they have anywhere to turn in times of crisis. Our leaders and our communities must do better.”

She went on to demand, “Politicians must stop dangerous anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and legislation that fans the flames of hate and violence.”

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The thing is, Goddard wasn’t killed due to bullying or alleged anti-LGBT legislation in schools or even in a

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