JUST IN: Yet Another GOP Lawmaker Announces Unexpected Retirement

JUST IN: Yet Another GOP Lawmaker Announces Unexpected Retirement

Yet another GOP lawmaker has unexpectedly announced his retirement from Congress.

Rep. Jake LaTurner (R-KS) has announced that he will not be seeking re-election this November. This threatens the GOP majority, which is now in critical condition.

Rep. Jake LaTurner shared this statement with a copy of a press release:

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“After much prayer and consideration, I have decided not to run for reelection to the House this fall.

With gratitude in my heart for the people of Kansas, my staff, friends, and family, and most importantly, a loving God, who has blessed me beyond measure, I look forward to serving the remainder of my term and look to the future with confidence.”

After much prayer and consideration, I have decided not to run for

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