JUST IN: Kamala Harris’ Secret Service Officer LOSES IT, Attacks Fellow Agent

JUST IN: Kamala Harris’ Secret Service Officer LOSES IT, Attacks Fellow Agent

Well, this is crazy—one of the Secret Service agents tasked with guarding Kamala Harris attacked one of his fellow agents on Monday.

According to sources, the agent had been acting erratically for some time before he got into a heated conflict with a fellow agent that culminated in him punching his supervisor.

The incident occurred near Joint Base Andrews before Harris arrived. The agent at the center of the incident has not yet been named at this time. Journalist Susan Crabtree revealed:

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“Sources within the Secret Service community tell me the agent assigned to VP Kamala Harris was armed during the fight – that the gun was secured in the agent’s holster until other agents physically restrained the agent and took the gun from the

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