Juror Dismissed From Trump “Hush Money” Trial

Juror Dismissed From Trump “Hush Money” Trial

Yet another juror was dismissed from the “hush money” trial’s juror pool on Thursday.

The juror claimed she could no longer be impartial and unbiased, and her dismissal has raised important questions about the fairness of the trial.

This particular juror was already admitted by Merchan; how many more impartial jurors could have been confirmed?

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Is it even possible for President Trump to get a fair trial inside New York City? I am not so confident.

Here are the latest updates on the jury and this sideshow case gripping the nation:

BREAKING: Juror has second thoughts about participating in Trump criminal trial.

“Yesterday the court received a call from Juror #2 overnight… she apparently has concerns about being fair and balanced.”

“Now they are

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