Johnson: Motion to Vacate 'Harmed this Office,' But We Lack the Votes to Change the Rules for Now

Johnson: Motion to Vacate ‘Harmed this Office,’ But We Lack the Votes to Change the Rules for Now

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) came out Thursday in opposition to the current rules on the motion to vacate that threatens to end his speakership, lamenting he does not have the votes to change the rules at this time.

Johnson’s carefully worded statement stopped short of outright calling for a rule change that could save his gavel, but he made clear he opposed the current rules and understands “the importance of that idea” of changing them.

“Since the beginning of the 118th Congress, the House rule allowing a Motion to Vacate from a single member has harmed this office and our House majority,” Johnson posted to his official X account. “Recently, many members have encouraged me to endorse a new rule to raise this

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