Joe Biden's Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens to Cost Americans $300 Million Annually

Joe Biden’s Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens to Cost Americans $300 Million Annually

President Joe Biden’s decision to open Obamacare enrollment to illegal aliens with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) will cost Americans about $300 million annually.

On Friday, Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a final rule to open Obamacare to DACA illegal aliens.

Obama first created the DACA program via executive order, shielding more than one million illegal aliens from deportation through the years.

According to federal regulators, an estimated 100,000 DACA illegal aliens are expected to enroll in Obamacare, costing American taxpayers about $300 million every year.

Federal regulators write:

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Increased [premium tax credits] expenditures from the Federal Government to individuals of $240 million in 2025, $300 million in 2026, $290 million in 2027, and $300 million in 2028 due

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