Jihad-Rep Ilhan Omar Accuses Jewish Students of Being ‘Pro-Genocide’

Jihad-Rep Ilhan Omar Accuses Jewish Students of Being ‘Pro-Genocide’

So says the ISIS supporter. No one ever thought we would see this again, certainly not in America This is what Muslim immigration has brought to America. Ilhan Omar is a high profile example of this racist bigotry.

Accusing Israel of genocide is a monstrous blood libel. Israel has had fewer civilian casualties in proportion to Hamas terrorists than any country in modern history. Israel does not commit war crimes. Hamas commits war crimes. FACTS.

Not only should Ilhan Omar be thrown out of Congress. She should be thrown out of the country.

Ilhan Omar is trying to relive history but putting a label on Jewish students!

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She says they’re either “pro-genocide or anti-genocide.”

Hitler had the same concept. pic.twitter.com/J9Z83RCalb

— Chad

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