Jerry Seinfeld's Pop-Tarts movie will feature a January 6 parody, but he's convinced the movie industry is dead anyway

Jerry Seinfeld’s Pop-Tarts movie will feature a January 6 parody, but he’s convinced the movie industry is dead anyway

Jerry Seinfeld’s movie about breakfast treat Pop-Tarts was revealed to feature a scene reminiscent of January 6, 2021.

The scene in the breakfast-food-centric movie “Unfrosted” was revealed in an interview with Seinfeld in GQ, where he was briefly asked about politics and the film.

The outlet’s Brett Martin described the scene as a very funny January 6 parody, which was a little surprising given Seinfeld’s history of being completely devoid of public political opinions.

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He also asked the comedian about a recent trip to Israel, which reportedly took place a few weeks before Hamas’ October 7, 2023, attack on Israelis.

Seinfeld skipped over the January 6 question, responding to the latter.

“Well, I’m Jewish.”

Seinfeld responded to pro-Palestine activists who harassed him and called him a “genocide supporter” outside a New

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