James Carville sneers at 'little f**king 26-year-old' voters who may avoid the polls this fall and hand Trump the presidency

James Carville sneers at ‘little f**king 26-year-old’ voters who may avoid the polls this fall and hand Trump the presidency

Longtime Democrat political strategist James Carville absolutely blasted “little f**king 26-year-old” voters who may avoid the polls in November and as a result usher in a new Donald Trump presidency — and a whole lot more.

Here’s the clip. Content warning: Language:

— (@)

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“If they get a hold, there will be no government left, there will be no rights left, you will live under theocracy, you’ll end up with Christian nationalism. But that’s alright you little f**king 26-year-old!” Carville sneered on camera.

He then shifted into a mocking, whiny tone: “You don’t feel like ‘the election’s important to me. They’re not addressing the issues that I care about.'”

How are observers reacting?

One might say folks are enjoying this latest Carville outburst just a little

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