Illinois Democrats Change Rules To Cement Incumbent Power In Actual Attack On Democracy

Illinois Democrats Change Rules To Cement Incumbent Power In Actual Attack On Democracy

If there’s any doubt left that Democrats are the actual threat to the republic, take a look at what Illinois’ “Democracy” just did. 

Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a deep-pocketed leftist with a supermajority of Democrats in the Illinois Legislature, quickly signed an election bill last week that quashes the practice of slating, in which local party organizations name legislative candidates to general election ballots where the party was unable to recruit a primary candidate. Before Pritzker affixed his John Hancock to the bill, partys could appoint candidates to run up to 75 days after the primary. 

Pritzker and his power-hungry Democrats could have waited to change the law until after the current election cycle. Instead, they decided to do it midstream, a slimy move that bolsters

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