Ignoring Primaries Gives The GOP Establishment Permission To Be Awful

Ignoring Primaries Gives The GOP Establishment Permission To Be Awful

Republican politicos regularly demonstrate why they don’t deserve to be reelected — and Congress’s recent decision to ship more U.S. taxpayer dollars overseas while American priorities fall through the cracks is just another example.

On Saturday, the GOP-controlled House passed measures totaling $95 billion in foreign spending to (mostly) Ukraine, Israel (and Hamas-controlled Gaza), and Taiwan. Spearheaded by Speaker Mike Johnson, none of the approved packages included provisions that stop President Joe Biden’s manufactured border invasion.

Johnson wasted no time in fast-tracking the measures to the House floor for consideration, ignoring objections from the House Freedom Caucus and breaking his previous promises to secure the U.S.-Mexico border before considering foreign spending bills. Proclaiming himself to be a “wartime speaker,” the Louisiana Republican repeated

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