If US wants to ‘unleash prosperity,’ listen to Stephen Moore

If US wants to ‘unleash prosperity,’ listen to Stephen Moore

When the pandemic was in its earliest days of raging through a frightened world, as big governments forced shutdowns and threw fake money at the resultant financial devastation, longtime conservative economic writer Stephen Moore began a daily memo, weekends excluded, offering better ideas.

His goal, as he says now, was “to systematically attack what turned out to be the most economically damaging, lethal, and unconstitutional government policy in at least 100 years.”

Moore’s Unleash Prosperity Hotline reached its 1,000th edition on April 18, and it’s worth a hat tip for Moore’s trenchant analyses. (Moore, by the way, also is a frequent contributor to the pages of the Washington Examiner.) If lawmakers adopted his policies, the nation’s long-term economic outlook surely would be far more salutary.

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