Hundreds of migrants hitch train ride to El Paso border — Texas prepares for another potential riot

Hundreds of migrants hitch train ride to El Paso border — Texas prepares for another potential riot

Hundreds of migrants have hitched a ride on a train bound for the El Paso-Juarez border, with the first group arriving earlier this week, according to Border Report.

The train, referred to as “La Bestia,” or “the Beast,” is carrying an unknown number of foreign nationals hoping to seek asylum in the United States. It is also referred to as the “Death Train,” because migrants risk their lives riding on top of and clinging to the side of the cargo cars.

The New York Post noted that the Mexican government has recently stopped cracking down on the train rides.

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Some of the migrants who just arrived in Juarez plan to head to the port of entry in El Paso and make asylum claims, while others intend to enter

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