Hilarious: Anti-Israel Protesters at Harvard Struck by 2 A.M. Sprinklers During Very Cold Night

Hilarious: Anti-Israel Protesters at Harvard Struck by 2 A.M. Sprinklers During Very Cold Night

If the 1930s taught us anything, it’s that hate is like a sickness, attacking minds unused to critical thinking and healthy skepticism with the ease of a superbug.

And no one is less used to critical reasoning or basic life skills than Harvard’s $79,500-a-year students.

For instance, if you’re going to camp out overnight in your university’s yard in freezing temperatures, you might want to find out what time the sprinklers come on.

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Students sleeping in an anti-Israel tent encampment on the Harvard campus got a cold shower of reality when the university’s sprinkler system went off early Thursday morning, according to The New York Post.

The students were part of demonstrations that began at Columbia University in New York City last week and then spread to other

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