Green New Deal 2: Biden Brags on $7B Ploy, Will Pollute Environment, Save $350M Annually

Green New Deal 2: Biden Brags on $7B Ploy, Will Pollute Environment, Save $350M Annually

The average citizen could only idly wish for the kind of delusion that has enabled President Joe Biden and his administration to try and spin gold out of the rotting straw of inflation, without any hint of awareness that it was their fault.

As but one example, look to his brag on the social media platform X on Tuesday, wherein he said:

“Today, my Administration is investing $7 billion in a new program called Solar for All that will enable over 900,000 low-income households to have solar on their rooftops for the first time.”

Today, my Administration is investing $7 billion in a new program called Solar for All that will enable over 900,000 low-income households to have solar on their rooftops for the

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