George Clooney Teaming Up with Obama for Biden Hollywood Fundraiser, Julia Roberts Might Attend

George Clooney Teaming Up with Obama for Biden Hollywood Fundraiser, Julia Roberts Might Attend

Hollywood elites are planning to throw more money at President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, with a star-studded fundraiser reportedly being planned for mid-June that will feature George Clooney and former President Barack Obama.

The shindig will also feature former Disney boss Jeffrey Katzenberg, who is Biden’s campaign co-chair, according to an Axios report. Julia Roberts might attend the event, unnamed sources told the outlet.

Hollywood remains one of Biden’s most loyal constituencies even as his popularity has plummeted with ordinary Americans who must deal with record consumer prices and unprecedented levels of illegal immigration that is swamping cities around the country.

Voters on both sides of the political divide are alarmed by the 81-year-old Biden’s cognitive decline, which has become only more apparent during

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