From Pence to Johnson, America’s evangelicals are failing their political mandate

From Pence to Johnson, America’s evangelicals are failing their political mandate

Yes, Donald Trump is a mess at times. And, from the church’s perspective, there is an undeniable element of Barabbas about him for too many people who are not content with “he’d clearly be a better president than the current dementia patient” and who must instead must elevate him as a 21st-century Charlemagne.

But we have a far bigger problem than that as believers and citizens. Its name is Judas.

In our era, we have created a new heresy — we have “sanitized” scripture.

Witness the bipartisan betrayal that played out in Congress this week. In the face of an ongoing border invasion, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) violated every morsel of his mandate as a public servant to betray his base while Senate Majority Leader

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