Former RNC chairman says Trump campaigns as a candidate ‘afraid of losing’

Former RNC chairman says Trump campaigns as a candidate ‘afraid of losing’

Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele criticized Donald Trump’s campaign for continuing to stoke conspiracies around election integrity.

Steele offered his reaction as The Weekend co-host after Trump’s comments in Wisconsin, where he implied he would only accept “honest” election results. The former lieutenant governor of Maryland called it a “weak” campaign tactic.

“Donald Trump is afraid of losing because it strikes at the core of the thing that’s most important to him, and that’s his ego, and he doesn’t want to do the work to actually win,” Steele said. “He wants to goad and cajole and bully people into believing something about our [electoral] system because he is too weak of a man to actually go out and campaign like any other normal candidate who

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