Follow the Money: Clear Paper Trail Found Between Paid Anti-Israel Agitators on US College Campuses and Soros Foundation

Follow the Money: Clear Paper Trail Found Between Paid Anti-Israel Agitators on US College Campuses and Soros Foundation

It seems that notorious billionaire and real-life James Bond villain, George Soros, has struck again.

This time, it appears he has entered the arena of the suspiciously well-organized and well-funded anti-Israel protests plaguing highways, public spaces and college campuses.

Folks first got suspicious seeing how the student encampment protests at various colleges around the country, starting with Columbia University in New York, all had identical tents, with even NYC Mayor Eric Adams asking, “Why is everybody’s tent the same? Was there a fire sale on those tents?”

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Likewise, as with any college protests since the birth of this deplorable trend in the 1960s, the question as to whether these blights on society had real jobs also prompted some deeper digging.

And, according to an opinion

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