Flight from Dallas to Tokyo canceled after police show up at a hotel party where the pilot was drinking and being disruptive

Flight from Dallas to Tokyo canceled after police show up at a hotel party where the pilot was drinking and being disruptive

A flight from Texas to Japan was canceled after the pilot was questioned by the police for rowdy behavior after drinking at an all-night party in his hotel, according to the New York Post.

Japan Airlines made the call to cancel the flight last Wednesday to check on the mental and physical status of the 49-year-old captain. Consequently, the 157 passengers who had bought tickets were forced to transfer to another flight.

The pilot — who has not yet been identified — had dinner in Dallas with other crew members around 6:00 p.m. After the dinner, he partied in both the hotel lounge and his room, according to a second report.

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A hotel employee asked the partying group to be quiet around 2:00 a.m. before calling the police

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