FBI Suddenly Going After Democrat “Super Mayor”

FBI Suddenly Going After Democrat “Super Mayor”

She’s been called “the worst mayor in America,” and now federal investigators have opened up a probe into the Democrat official.

Dalton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard has been accused of everything from spending public money on luxury goods to weaponizing local law enforcement.

Henyard has also been accused of sexual assault by a former colleague.

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In response to the bevy of ongoing scandals surrounding the suburban Chicago mayor, the FBI has issued a subpoena for employee records, county files, financial records, and more.

Many sources speculated that Henyard may soon be out, and possibly in jail, following these recent developments. Here’s what we currently know:

FBI request city records as Dalton Illinois mayor Tiffany Henyard is accused of corruption pic.twitter.com/qs6nfEJxCp

— Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸

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