FAA bill to include automatic refunds for canceled flights as Congress races to meet deadline

FAA bill to include automatic refunds for canceled flights as Congress races to meet deadline

Congress is staring down a Friday deadline for a must-pass federal aviation bill that would provide a five-year reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration.

Senators in both parties on Wednesday continued to haggle over an amendment process to fast-track the legislation before the crucial agency’s authorization lapses.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) revealed that Senate negotiators agreed to include his bipartisan amendment with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to guarantee automatic refunds to passengers when airlines cancel flights.

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“Victory for consumers,” Hawley said. “The new FAA bill will include my protections to get automatic refunds for airline passengers when their flights are canceled.”

The Biden administration has rolled out new policies addressing automatic refunds for canceled and significantly delayed flights, as well as requiring airlines to be

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