Exclusive: Nevada GOP Senate Candidate Appeared in Late-Night Infomercials Selling Anti-Wrinkle Serum One Man Claimed Gave Him ‘Necrotizing Fasciitis’

Exclusive: Nevada GOP Senate Candidate Appeared in Late-Night Infomercials Selling Anti-Wrinkle Serum One Man Claimed Gave Him ‘Necrotizing Fasciitis’

Dr. Jeff Gunter, a wealthy dermatologist running for the U.S. Senate in Nevada claiming to be the “America First” candidate, at one point in his younger days appeared in sketchy late-night infomercials peddling anti-wrinkle skin serum that at least one man said in a lawsuit led to him getting infected with a terrible disease.

Gunter, who made millions in his dermatology practices over the years and would later become former President Donald Trump’s U.S. ambassador to Iceland in Trump’s first term, is now running for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in the Silver State against decorated combat veteran Captain Sam Brown.

Brown, as Breitbart News has reported previously, has most of his body covered in third-degree burns due to a roadside

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