Exclusive -- Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle: Trump Speaking at Convention 'Great Opportunity' to Advance Liberty

Exclusive — Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle: Trump Speaking at Convention ‘Great Opportunity’ to Advance Liberty

Former President Donald Trump will be making a historic move by speaking at the Libertarian party’s national convention, Libertarian party chair Angela McArdle said during an interview on Breitbart News Saturday, explaining the importance of being able to use the opportunity to advance the message of liberty.

“You know, as the person responsible for what happens at the Libertarian Party ultimately, I gotta say that for 53 years, we’ve been trying to get our candidates on the main stage with major party POTUS candidates. And this year, we’ve decided to flip the tables and we succeeded in bringing one of the main candidates to our stage instead,” she said, referencing Trump.

She said they are going to do “everything in our power to

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