Even CNN admits Stormy Daniels’ testimony is flopping

Even CNN admits Stormy Daniels’ testimony is flopping

A CNN panel of political analysts discussing the testimony of porn actress Stormy Daniels against former president Donald Trump highlights what a circus the lawsuit is, as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg watched his star witness go down in flames.

“There have been a couple times where she seems to be cracking a joke, trying to get a reaction from the jury, and our reporters in the room have noted that the jury hasn’t seemed to respond,” said Kaitlan Collins as another host agreed. “No they’re taking their job seriously,” Jake Tapper replied.

Attorney Elie Honig sounded embarrassed for Daniels. “Humor is risky in the courtroom, especially if you go in with lines… If something happened spontaneously — if an easel falls over — people will

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