END OF THE ROAD: Supreme Court Rules Against Kari Lake

END OF THE ROAD: Supreme Court Rules Against Kari Lake

It’s the end of the road for Kari Lake and Mark Finchem in their lawsuit to uphold election integrity in Arizona.

From Kyle Becker:


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The Supreme Court has DISMISSED the Arizona Election Integrity Case without comment.

The plaintiffs @KariLake and Mark Finchem has brought forth expert testimony to indicate that there were serious voting machine vulnerabilities, including the “placing of the master cryptographic keys on the election database in plain text and unprotected allows any actor with access to the voting system complete control over the election results.”

There was a “god key” detected in the voting machine code.

“Dominion placed the master cryptographic keys in plain text and unprotected on the election database except for Windows-login, which are easily bypassed. Leaving these highly

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