Elite Universities Are Now Getting Hit with Yet Another Problem: Furious Parents

Elite Universities Are Now Getting Hit with Yet Another Problem: Furious Parents

For $90,000 a year, parents of some elite school students expected more than hate.

A report in The Wall Street Journal says some parents are calling for tuition refunds and rethinking future enrollments.

“They are not getting the education they expected and paid for,” Zev Gewurz, a Boston real-estate lawyer whose daughter is a senior at New York City’s Barnard College. Barnard was founded as a women’s college adjacent to Columbia University. The cost of attendance at Barnard tops $90,000

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Gewurz said Barnard gave an “inadequate response” to hate speech.

“I try to tell her that this is not her fault, and that she is living in a moment in history and needs to keep her head high,” he told the Journal.


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