Don't Let Durbin and Marshall Bully Their Way into Passing Bad Legislation

Don’t Let Durbin and Marshall Bully Their Way into Passing Bad Legislation

The following content is sponsored by the Electronic Payments Coalition

Upset that Congressional action on their flawed credit card bill has stalled, Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) have resorted to seeking government-backed retribution against those opposed to their bill.

Sens. Durbin and Marshall’s credit card bill seeks to place government mandates on credit card routing, altering the current system in place by introducing untested networks and threatening card rewards. In response, Airlines for America (A4A) and several airline unions have expressed their opposition to the bogus bill. A4A also released a study outlining the significant harm the Durbin-Marshall bill would cause to the travel and tourism industry and the U.S. economy overall.

The study highlights how 30 million Americans rely on airline-affiliated

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