DeVos: Biden’s Title IX overhaul will be ‘used to harm women’

DeVos: Biden’s Title IX overhaul will be ‘used to harm women’

Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos slammed the Biden administration’s Title IX overhaul, saying the statute created to protect women would now be used to “harm” them.

The Biden administration finalized the rules on Friday related to sex discrimination and sexual harassment under Title IX, redefining sex to include claimed gender identities. The rules did not address transgender participation in sports, which is part of separate rulemaking likely to be finalized near the end of the year.

“I never thought I’d see the day where Title IX would be used to harm women, but sadly, that day has come,” DeVos, who ushered through the Education Department’s 2020 rulemaking on Title IX, said in a statement. “The Biden Administration’s radical rewrite of Title IX guts the half

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