Democrat Congressman Reportedly Robbed Before Attending Campaign Dinner

Democrat Congressman Reportedly Robbed Before Attending Campaign Dinner

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who’s running for Senate in California, was reportedly robbed in San Francisco just before a fancy campaign dinner.

Schiff’s luggage was allegedly stolen from his vehicle in a parking garage, forcing him to attend the dinner in casual wear.

Adam Schiff’s car was broken into and he had his luggage stolen in San Francisco.

— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) April 26, 2024

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Fox News reports:

According to The San Francisco Chronicle, thieves broke into his car that was parked in a downtown parking garage and stole his bags. Without business clothes to wear, Schiff still proceeded to the event in shirt sleeves and a hiking vest, according to the Chronicle, with others dressed in suits.

At the dinner, Schiff thanked

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