Dem Rep. Phillips: Schools Have Let Lefties Run Wild While Other Views Get 'Canceled'

Dem Rep. Phillips: Schools Have Let Lefties Run Wild While Other Views Get ‘Canceled’

On Monday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) stated that while schools like Columbia haven’t acted quickly enough to deal with the encampments and demonstrations on campus, “a lot of voices now are being left out, they’re being diminished, they’re being canceled.”

After host Greta Van Susteren said that there is a lack of debate on college campuses, Phillips said, “And that is a very dangerous sign for the United States, because we only will survive if we encourage debate, if we disagree without being disagreeable, and so far, we’ve done pretty well. But there’s no question, Greta, look, I’m a progressive, I’m a moderate Democrat, but I believe deeply that we should have college campuses that invite debate and differences

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