Dawkins can't believe his atheist ally has become a Christian. Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains the error of his doubt.

Dawkins can’t believe his atheist ally has become a Christian. Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains the error of his doubt.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali was once a central figure among the so-called “New Atheists.” She revealed in a Nov. 11, 2023, op-ed that she had converted to Christianity, both for the meaning it provides as well as for its unifying doctrine, which she wrote can “fortify us against our menacing foes.”

Militant atheist Richard Dawkins, her longtime friend and “mentor,” penned an open letter to Ali three days later, suggesting the Dutch-American human rights activist, mother, and staunch critic of Islam was insincere about her newfound faith.

“You are no more a Christian than I am,” wrote Dawkins. “No, Ayaan, you are not a Christian, you are just a decent human being who mistakenly thinks you need a religion in order to remain so.”

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