Dan Bongino Just Perfectly Summed Up The Sham ‘Hush Money’ Case Against Trump

Dan Bongino Just Perfectly Summed Up The Sham ‘Hush Money’ Case Against Trump

Anyone paying attention to the details of the Manhattan criminal trial of former President Donald Trump can easily see the partisan bias on display.

From the fact that the statute of limitations has expired to the Democrat-dominated jurisdiction in which it is being held to the schedule that seems to be explicitly designed to keep Trump from campaigning for a second term in the White House, there’s plenty of evidence that something fishy is going on.

And conservative pundit Dan Bongino summed it all up in one recent social media post:

Lemme get this straight:
A democrat judge, with a daughter working for democrats, is presiding over a trial in a deeply democrat city, within a democrat state, brought by a democrat prosecutor, with an

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