Conservative California cities abandon long-standing alliance over political differences

Conservative California cities abandon long-standing alliance over political differences

A string of right-leaning cities left the League of California Cities over policy disagreements.

While California serves as the Democrats’ greatest bastion, it still contains more Republicans than most Republican states. That population has grown increasingly weary of the state’s leftward turn in recent years, and in recent months, five city councils in Southern California have decided to sever ties with the long-standing League of California Cities over policy disputes, Politico reported.

The league, founded in 1898, consists of more than 460 members. Members were previously able to unite over less sensitive matters, but pressing concerns have made bipartisanship within the state much more difficult. Carolyn Coleman, the group’s CEO, expressed her disappointment over the departures.

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“I’m certainly disappointed,” she said. “At the end of

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