Columbia University rioter is an heir to an ad empire, owns a mansion, and has a lengthy criminal record: Report

Columbia University rioter is an heir to an ad empire, owns a mansion, and has a lengthy criminal record: Report

The New York Post reported that one of the most violent leaders at the Columbia University riots has a lot of experience as an agitator. He is also the son of millionaire ad executives who happens to live in a $3.4 million Brooklyn brownstone home.

James Carlson, also known as Cody Carlson, is a “longtime anarchist,” according to the authorities. He also reportedly has a child with a model and his stepmother is currently dating John Cougar Mellencamp.

Carlson, who has a list of arrests dating back to 2005, is one of three children of advertising executives Richard “Dick” Tarlow and his wife, Sandy Carlson Tarlow, according to the report.

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Dick, who died in 2022 at the age of 81, left behind an estate worth at

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