Colorado schools get extra $24 million for migrant enrollment

Colorado schools get extra $24 million for migrant enrollment

Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO) signed a bill Thursday that would give public and charter schools affected by the recent rise of undocumented migrant students enrolling in them a one-time $24 million boost from the state education fund. 

The Colorado Department of Education will determine how much school districts receive using a multitiered funding model that’s based on how many new students enrolled following an annual October headcount that sets each district’s state funding. 

Gov. Jared Polis (AP).

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“Schools are scrambling to ensure that they have the funds to be able to support both our new students and the needs that they have with paraprofessionals, folks who can help with English language acquisition and all of the wraparound services that they need, as well as supporting all

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