City of Baltimore Points Finger at Ship Owner in Bridge Collapse Court Filing: 'A Clearly Unseaworthy Vessel'

City of Baltimore Points Finger at Ship Owner in Bridge Collapse Court Filing: ‘A Clearly Unseaworthy Vessel’

The city of Baltimore is suing two companies who they say failed to properly staff and maintain the container ship that knocked into and collapsed the Francis Scott Key Bridge last month.

The bridge came down on March 26 when the ill-fated, Singapore-based MV Dali left Baltimore Harbor and struck one of the structure’s support piers.

Four people were confirmed dead while a month later the bodies of two men presumed killed in the incident have yet to be recovered.

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In a lawsuit filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, the mayor’s office and the city council sued two companies that they said were responsible for the bridge collapse.

The Dali’s owner, Synergy Marine Pte Ltd, and its operator, Grace

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