Christians give Biden reality check after he appears to bless abortion with sign of the cross: 'He should know better'

Christians give Biden reality check after he appears to bless abortion with sign of the cross: ‘He should know better’

President Joe Biden ignited outrage on Tuesday for making the sign of the cross at a pro-abortion campaign event.

A clip of the incident shows Biden making the important Christian gesture as Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Nikki Fried slammed the Sunshine State’s new law banning abortion after six weeks (with exceptions for rape, incest, human trafficking, maternal health, and cases of fatal fetal abnormalities).

“Fifteen weeks wasn’t good enough; we had to go to six weeks,” Fried said, prompting Biden to make the sign of the cross.

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Biden’s use of the gesture is not unusual because he is a Catholic. However, making the sign of the cross at an overtly pro-abortion event made it appear that he was somehow blessing abortion

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