China’s military ‘moving at breathtaking speed in space,’ US warns

China’s military ‘moving at breathtaking speed in space,’ US warns

China’s space forces are “moving at breathtaking speed” to enhance their ability to target the U.S. space assets and improve their own “terrestrial forces,” according to a top U.S. general.

“Frankly, the People’s Republic of China is moving at breathtaking speed in space, and they are rapidly developing a range of counterspace weapons to hold at risk our space capabilities,” Gen. Stephen Whiting told reporters Wednesday.

Whiting, in his first overseas trip as commander of U.S. Space Command, put a spotlight on Chinese capabilities at the outset of an itinerary that will take him to South Korea and Japan. His remarks underscore the widespread U.S. suspicion that China’s various space programs represent the cutting edge of a worsening military threat.

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“We believe that a lot of

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