Bruni: Young Progressives Never Acknowledge Horrific October 7 Attack, They Advocated for Hamas

Bruni: Young Progressives Never Acknowledge Horrific October 7 Attack, They Advocated for Hamas

NYT Columnist and Duke Professor Frank Bruni said Friday on PBS’s “Firing Line” that a lot of young progressives never acknowledged how horrific the October 7, 2023 terror attack in Israel was.

Host Margaret Hoover said, “You teach on a college campus.”

Bruni said, “I teach at Duke University.”

Hoover said, “You’re a professor at Duke University. As a college professor, what’s your assessment of how this issue has become so animating with this generation of college students?”

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Bruni said, “You know, a lot of college students in this generation, there’s a sort of paradigm they use or a lens they use to kind of evaluate the world. And it’s one in which people who have less money, people who have less power,

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