Breitbart Business Digest: Biden Is the Chaos Candidate

Breitbart Business Digest: Biden Is the Chaos Candidate

Never Murder a Man Committing Suicide

Republicans looking out across the chaos that has engulfed American campuses should take Richard Nixon’s advice: “Never murder a man who’s committing suicide.”

The promise of Biden’s 2020 candidacy was a return to normalcy. After the strife of the Trump years and the pandemic, Joe Biden’s most persuasive pitch was that his presidency would bring about a return to a more ordered Republic.

That has not worked out. Instead of economic prosperity, we got massive inflation. Instead of peaceful relations with the world, we have wars in Ukraine and Gaza. A crime wave grips our cities. And our colleges and universities are besieged by antisemitic protests and battling occupations by masked students and “outside agitators” (as the

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