Blaze News original: 'It's the destruction of the nuclear family': Comedian Michael Ridley on the media's perverted version of 'normal'

Blaze News original: ‘It’s the destruction of the nuclear family’: Comedian Michael Ridley on the media’s perverted version of ‘normal’

Comedian Michael Ridley says that the version of normal the entertainment industry desires is one that prioritizes sex and capitalizes on a short attention span.

The stand-up comic is now far removed from where he grew up in Virginia, and once he was able to escape the COVID-19 lockdowns, he made his way to Texas to flourish in the ever-growing Austin comedy scene.

In just a few years, he has shifted from being politically neutral to questioning the direction and motives of media and government. Ridley believes that with children being constantly overstimulated with messaging, their attention spans have become shorter and their ability to discern what is normal versus what is irregular has lessened.

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“We’re creating a world full of sex

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