Blaze News original: 7 times celebrities spoke against woke culture — and won

Blaze News original: 7 times celebrities spoke against woke culture — and won

Celebrities typically are afraid to speak out against progressive ideologies since they subscribe to the ideals of the woke Hollywood echo chamber or because they fear repercussions for going against the liberal herd. However, there are a handful of times when entertainers not only spoke against woke culture, but they also won because of it.

Joe Rogan

Carmen Mandato/Getty Images

Joe Rogan has declared himself to be a “bleeding heart liberal” on several topics. However, the prolific podcaster has also condemned progressivism for going too far to the left on a myriad of significant issues.

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Rogan was one of the first major voices to question the pandemic narrative. Rogan used his massive platform to question why government health officials were not advising people to get

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