Biden To Drain Oil Reserves To Attempt Lower Prices at Pump

Biden To Drain Oil Reserves To Attempt Lower Prices at Pump

Biden comes up with another ‘winning’ idea.

On Tuesday, his administration announced it’s tapping into the Northeast gasoline reserve.

He wants to release 1 million barrels in a bid to cool down summer gas prices.

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The plan?

Use 100,000 barrels at a time from storage sites in New Jersey and Maine.

This will make sure it arrives to pumps in time for the 4th of July holiday.

It should cause compeitive pricing, which will then make everyone happy and we will all  laugh our way to the local firework display, waving ‘Vote for Biden’ flags. (Do they even make Biden flags?)

He’s delusional if he thinks that’s going to happen.

Biden has DOOMED America.

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