Biden retells yet another story completely differently than in the past, this time about becoming a Green Bay Packers fan

Biden retells yet another story completely differently than in the past, this time about becoming a Green Bay Packers fan

Joe Biden changed the details of yet another story during a speech in Wisconsin about becoming a Green Bay Packers fan while in high school.

The president was at Gateway Technical College’s iMet Center on May 8, 2024, in Sturtevant, Wisconsin, speaking about Microsoft’s plan to invest over $3 billion to build an artificial intelligence data center in the state.

During his comments, Biden recalled a story about how his Catholic high school influenced him to become a fan of NFL team the Green Bay Packers.

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“I went to a Catholic high school in Delaware taught by the Norbertines priests from St. Norbert College … little town, little team called Green Bay,” Biden said, which incited some cheers.

“Now, here’s the deal,” Biden continued. “We were the only high

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