Avail Data Availability Integrated by Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, StarkWare, ZkSync

Avail Data Availability Integrated by Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, StarkWare, ZkSync

Avail, a blockchain project known for data availability (DA), shared Thursday that five major layer-2 networks in the Ethereum ecosystem will integrate with its Avail DA solution.

Those chains include Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, StarkWare and zkSync. Users will be able to opt in or out to use Avail for data availability – a service needed by these “rollup networks” to stash the reams of data produced on all the transactions taking place. A key driver for DA solutions is that they can provide a cheaper and faster way of storing data than on the main Ethereum blockchain.

Avail came into the limelight alongside other DA projects, which have gained buzz

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