Automatic Voter Registration Exists To Keep Democrats In Power, So Why Aren’t Republicans Fighting It?

Automatic Voter Registration Exists To Keep Democrats In Power, So Why Aren’t Republicans Fighting It?

Election integrity hawks — myself among them — have spilled gallons of ink since 2020 exposing ballot drop boxes, “Zuckbucks,” and voting machine vulnerabilities, and conservatives are all the better prepared to face the 2024 election for those efforts. But there’s a massive front in this fight we can’t afford to overlook because we’re losing: voter registration. 

If getting out the vote (GOTV) is the key to winning elections, registering voters is the key to effective GOTV. But doing it at scale takes money and coordination, something Republican strategists and donors have almost totally ignored. 

As it stands, the left is more than a decade ahead in that race. 

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Beginning around 2008, “progressive” operatives discovered they could weaponize 501(c)(3) charities — the same part of

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