Are Democrats really poised to overcome Trump’s momentum?

Are Democrats really poised to overcome Trump’s momentum?

Michael Lind has written a provocative commentary, partly in response to John Judis and Ruy Texeira’s recent book, “Where Have All the Democrats Gone?” Lind would have us believe that the Democratic Party will do better in November than its naysayers suggest. Contrary to what Texiera-Judis maintain, namely that the Democrats have lost their traditional working-class base and may no longer be flourishing among racial minorities, the Dems supposedly have the wind at their back. The only reliable Republican constituencies, we are told, are white evangelicals and Mormons; and both groups are dwindling in number relative to other demographics.

Lind also believes, correctly, that black people and Jews have been the most faithful Democratic constituencies, and he believes these loyalties are no less strong now than

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