AOC Spreads Hamas 'Mass Grave' Hoax to Demonize Israel

AOC Spreads Hamas ‘Mass Grave’ Hoax to Demonize Israel

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is spreading a hoax about a “mass grave” supposedly discovered at a Gaza hospital where Israeli soldiers had recently been fighting terrorists.

AOC cited a post on Twitter / X by Nick Kristof, a radical left-wing columnist for the New York Times, who has spread doubts about Hamas’s documented use of hospitals, but treats Hamas claims about Israeli atrocities as proven facts.

How are news outlets dedicating wall-to-wall coverage to campus protests, but not the discovery of mass graves in Gaza of people with their hands tied & clothing stripped?

Why do we not know more?

Where are the journalists and resources being dedicated to that story?

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— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 23, 2024

The Israel Defense Forces

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